Take A Bite!

...Stay a while... You were meant to come here. It's fate!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Sometimes I feel as if I’ve lost all my friends. Theoretically, I know that despite time and distance, my friends are still my friends. But even those that aren’t that far away seem like friends from a lifetime ago.

Is it me? I know I’m not one to make frequent phone calls, even if that’s the best way to stay in touch. But when I do try to call, and people don’t call back, then I just feel as if my efforts are wasted. Besides, sometimes I wonder, maybe we just don’t have that much in common anymore. We have a shared past, full of wonderful memories. But the future? I feel adrift, like I’ve lost several of my old anchors. I’m thankful that my family is my support system, but sometimes family is not enough.

I need friends in the here and now, that I can hang out with, and share the mundane daily concerns of my existence. People I can call when I want to go for a night on the town, or hang out and play board games in their apartment. People with whom I feel its okay to talk about the little details, that each conversation doesn’t need to revolve around something of significance.

Now that I think about it, maybe I don’t need more friends. Maybe I need a boyfriend. But then who would I talk to about my (yet non-existent) boyfriend?