Take A Bite!

...Stay a while... You were meant to come here. It's fate!

Thursday, July 17, 2003

I have been seeing everyone around me fall in love. I have been wanting someone of my own for a long time but it has been so stressful that I haven't even been able to open my eyes to see if there really is someone around who loves me. I guess it's weird how your mind plays tricks on you. I would hate to have to understand why we go through what we go through daily because it seems it is easier to be in the dark than it is being brought into the light. Life can be really hard one minute but really easy the next. I just wish I could find some kind of happy medium because me being pulled in so many directions am starting to get on my nerves. I will never begin to understand how the brain works itself into human life but I wish I could figure out someway to not be so confused.

I like being single even though I complain all the time that I am. I think I am getting better at it and sometimes it's a good thing to just go out and date... I have been single for almost a year now. And sad because I got to meet someone I knew I love but I knew also I can't have.

He is a great guy and I love Him so much. Way so much, I can say. But it would never work.

Maybe sometime in the future I will love someone who will love me back. I know he'll come along sooner or later. Hopefully it's before men just don't matter anymore! Hahahaha!