Ok, there, I've admitted it.
I have always thought that addiction referred to drugs, alcohol, and other vices that you couldn’t help but take advantage of, even while knowing the dangers involved therein. But I never once thought that something that in my mind should just be casual/once-in-a-while/when-I-have-a-free-moment-and-the-boss-isn’t-looking kind of fun could be so frustratingly addictive.
I’m always hearing about the renowned Facebook, the “coolest” thing to hit the Web since, well, since the last cool thing. I never felt the slightest desire to join, because I already use friendster, My Blogs (a lot) which takes up a significant amount of my time as it is; so I thought putting my profile on Facebook as well would totally overexpose me, and overexposure is the last thing I’m looking for. lol.
I have often received e-mails from friends or acquaintances inviting me to join Facebook. In order to see members’ detailed profiles, members’ pictures, or see details of an event I’ve gotten invited to, I’d have to be a member of Facebook. So I finally joined. It was a very spontaneous decision that I may live to regret, because as of the morning after joining, I already felt slightly addicted. I never thought that would happen to me and certainly not within hours of joining, but there it is.
By morning I started getting friend invites from members who saw that I had joined, but I can honestly say I don’t recall where I even knew some of these “friends” from or even what they looked like, until I peeked at their photos.
Being someone’s friend on Facebook seems to have many different connotations. A friend can be someone you actually spend time with and talk to on the phone “off the ’Net,” a friend can be someone you see every couple of weeks and say hello to in passing, or a friend can be someone you see at a party once a year. There seems to be no distinction on Facebook between best friend, good friend, or mild acquaintance. Everyone in your network seems to be your new BFF (best friend forever).
Word around town (from Facebook members) is that if you’re not on Facebook, then you are not in the know, and you might be missing out on events and friendships.
Well, what can I say? A week and a half later and I'm officially over Friendster (where I loved finding people to add to my friends list) and I'm on Facebook all of the time. To send a cyber drink to a friend or throw a cow at someone (yes, really) I love or create lists of my favorite things. Answer Quizzes. Do Street Racing. Be part of a Mafia Family. Join a Sorority. Have your own Farm. Make your Pet a Star. Play Poker. It's so much fun! So, if you are on Facebook and want to be friends, look me up and maybe I'll throw a cow at you. Or send you a fruity drink. Or play poker with me or beat me in a race (if you can.lol) If you aren't on there, what are you waiting for?