A lot of changes happened recently - for the better i suppose. i'm still trying to figure things out... where to go from here, how to go about it etc. well, what's new right?! i guess it will always (always!) be like this.
LOL but one thing's for sure, i know i'm still lucky like shit!
My job's awesome, my life's fucked up but full of fun and i have an insatiable thirst to learn, to live and to love.
life is really a bitch you know. and it's good err great that it is. 'cause when you start to become complacent and things begin fucking up one by one, you wake up and fix 'em ugh-gain. that's life! ain't that a bitch?! tried doing things the right way, tried doing things the wrong way... however hard i try IT just won't die. keeps coming back ya' know. and i guess i'm at fault.
it's a choice really.
happiness... yes. contentment... yes.
excited yet anxious, nervous... yes.
to last? that is the question.
forgiveness... forgiveness... for...