Lately I’ve been feeling quite ambivalent about my life. I’m on the road to achieving some of my goals: I’m working where I want to be working, all the pieces are in place for me to start making my life what I want it to be.
But there never seems to be enough time. Time to work and achieve all my professional goals. Time to relax and pursue my hobbies. Time to work out and keep fit. Time to get enough sleep. It seems that something always has to be sacrificed, usually my sanity.
Sometimes I wonder whether I really am on the road to achieving my goals, or if I’ve gotten stuck on the circular track called the rat race, forever running forward, never getting anywhere.
I think one of the big problems that I have is that I want things to be perfect, and I want them to be perfect right now. I’m trying to learn to live in the moment and enjoy the process of becoming.