And so we went out And it was a friendly date!
We watched Transformers2. Cool Movie. [ will have my review later]
after the movie, we had dinner and after dinner, tambay sa Fastbytes to kill time. And mother of all coincidences, his ex was just a table away from Us! I asked him if he wants to move to another table, but he said, its ok. I felt strange. that's the very first time ive experienced to be seen with an ex, by an ex. gets?
And so we continue, talking about what happened between us, what happened to us after "us", and a lot of things. He doesnt want to hear my stories about me dating other guys, so we just stick on talking about things we used to do. Corny nga kako sabi ko! and all this time, his ex was just there sitting, drinking something from starbucks. And all this time, i have this feeling so strange i cant explain what is.
five minutes before 11pm, we said our goodbyes. no kiss. not even hold hands.
Im so proud of myself! LOL!
Take A Bite!
...Stay a while... You were meant to come here. It's fate!